About Me

My photo
Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
I am a father of two, who has been a paramedic for 15 years and a professional photographer for around 5. That is until recently, from the 1st of May 2017 I will no longer work on the frontline full time. Instead I have made the transition from specialist paramedic to advanced practitioner and will be working full time in primary care. This blog will chart the development of myself from my current role of specialist paramedic to an advanced practitioner. In the last year I was diagnosed with Ankylosing spondylitis. Which is a degenerative condition which affects the spine. While this diagnosis saddened me obviously. It also came as a relief as I had struggled for over a year and had no idea what was wrong with me. So the diagnosis also came with some relief as I finally had a name to put to my condition. It did help me to look forward and consider a new career pathway. I am the first paramedic to work in primary care in my practice area. This is quite an accolade.

Wednesday 19 January 2011

Night photography

As I have an interest in night photography I thought I better do some further research.  I was  :


I was very impressed by the above photographers photos also found here :


I am familiar with most of the settings that this chap suggested, but it is nice to get a little extra help.

Essentially the better the camera, the better the result. It is possible to get good results with a 50 D, but obviously the result is less impressive compared to a 5D for example.

Set the ISO as high as possible,  and use this equation :

The real solution to this is to purchase a 35mm prime lens of course.

Friday 7 January 2011

Street photographer discovered

This is one of those amazing discovery stories that you never see. A Chicago nanny had her photos purchased in a garage sale turned out she was into street photography. In a big, big way. She had literally thousands upon thousands of negatives.

She may even be a competitor for the likes of Frank and the other classic street photographers of his time.
Amazing to think that it may have never been discovered, it is only because of one mans dedication that her work is now coming to light and being exhibited.
